1. Ensuring that your guitar is in tune
Ensure that your guitar is in tune. Get an electronic tuner to make sure that your guitar is tuned. Trying to learn how to play different songs with an untuned guitar can confuse you. Also, many guides you will find online will be using standard tuning.
- Standard tuning starting from the top string to the bottom is E, A, D, g, b, e .
- Play open notes on your guitar and make sure that they correspond with the digital output on the tuner.
2. Holding your guitar correctly
When you are sitting down, there are two main ways to hold your guitar. For a casual playing style, lay the guitar over your dominant leg. On the other hand, the classical method has you set your guitar on your non-dominant leg. In both instances, make sure that the guitar is held close against your body. Holding your guitar properly makes it easier to play and prevents you from becoming fatigued. Play around with both styles and figure out which one is most comfortable for you.
- The classical style gives you more control over the neck of your guitar.
- The casual style reduces fatigue as you play.
- Make sure that the guitar is upright while you play because tilting the guitar can hurt your wrists.
- When standing, make sure that you have a strap on your guitar and that the guitar is tight against your torso, with the top of the guitar over your chest
- Maintain a relaxed posture as you play your guitar.
3. Learning the difference between chords and single notes.
Chords occur when you play two or more notes on different strings simultaneously to create one unified sound. These play an impportant part in the "rhythm" portion. Single notes are used more for solos and occur when you play a single note at a time. Both are skills that you must become proficient in when learning to play the acoustic guitar