Tune it, Play it


  1. 1. **Access the Tuner**: Open the guitar tuner application on your device. Make sure your device's microphone is enabled and functional.
  2. 2. **Select Tuning Mode**: Ensure the tuner is set to "Guitar" and "Standard" tuning. The standard tuning is E-A-D-G-B-E from the lowest (thickest) string to the highest (thinnest) string.
  3. 3. **Tap to Start**: Click on the "Tap to Start" button in the center of the tuner. This will activate the microphone to start picking up the sound of your guitar.
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  5. 4. **Tune Each String**: - **Low E String (6th string)**: Pluck the low E string (the thickest string). The tuner will display the current pitch and how close it is to the correct pitch (E). Adjust the tuning peg until the needle is centered on the 'E' and the Hz (Hertz) and cents indicators show the string is in tune. - **A String (5th string)**: Next, pluck the A string. Tune it until the tuner indicates it's an 'A' and the needle is centered. - **D String (4th string)**: Pluck the D string and tune it accordingly. - **G String (3rd string)**: Pluck the G string and adjust the tuning peg until it matches the correct pitch. - **B String (2nd string)**: Pluck the B string and tune it to the correct pitch. - **High E String (1st string)**: Finally, pluck the high E string (the thinnest string) and tune it.
  6. 5. **Fine-Tuning**: After tuning all the strings, play a few chords to check the overall tuning. You may need to fine-tune each string slightly to ensure the guitar is perfectly in tune.
  7. 6. **Additional Features**: If available, explore additional features like Hz (Hertz) and cents indicators for more precise tuning. Some tuners also offer chromatic tuning or alternate tunings if needed.
  8. 7. **Complete**: Once all strings are in tune, your guitar is ready to play. Make sure to periodically check the tuning while playing, as strings can go out of tune with use.


  1. 1. **Access the Chord Tool**: Open the guitar chord tool on your device. Ensure that the tool is fully loaded and functional.
  2. 2. **Select the Chord**: - **Chord Root**: Look for the dropdown or selection option for the chord root note. In your image, it is set to "C". You can change this to any other root note (A, B, C, D, E, F, G). - **Chord Type**: Next to the root note, you will see another dropdown for selecting the chord type. It is set to "Major" in your image. You can select other chord types like minor, 7th, major 7th, etc.
  3. 3. **View the Chord Diagram**: - The tool will display a chord diagram for the selected chord. In your image, it shows a "C Major" chord. - The diagram indicates the strings and frets to press down. The vertical lines represent the guitar strings (from left to right: E, A, D, G, B, e), and the horizontal lines represent the frets. - The numbers on the dots indicate which fingers to use (1 for index, 2 for middle, 3 for ring, 4 for pinky).
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  5. 4. **Play the Chord**: - Position your fingers according to the chord diagram. In the "C Major" chord shown: - Place your ring finger (3) on the 3rd fret of the A string (5th string). - Place your middle finger (2) on the 2nd fret of the D string (4th string). - Place your index finger (1) on the 1st fret of the B string (2nd string). - Strum all the strings except the low E string, which is indicated by an "X" above it, meaning it should not be played.
  6. 5. **Explore Voicings**: - The tool may offer different voicings for the same chord. Use the arrows or navigation buttons to explore other voicings if available. - Each voicing provides a different way to play the same chord, which can be useful for finding the most comfortable or suitable voicing for your playing style.
  7. 6. **Additional Features**: - Some tools might have a play button that allows you to hear how the chord should sound when played correctly. - Settings or additional options might allow you to customize the display or functionality of the tool.
  8. 7. **Embed the Tool** (if applicable): - If you want to embed the chord tool on your website, use the provided iframe code. Copy the code and paste it into the HTML of your webpage where you want the chord tool to appear.